Friday, April 2, 2010

Even the Mall Gets It

I can't say the mall -- or as they call it here, shopping -- is my favorite place to eat. However, when I was at Bourbon Country Shopping last night, I couldn't get over certain details. Namely that our pizza was served to us on real plates....with real cutlery, including knives sharp enough to actually cut the pizza. Talk about sustainable! Yes, yes, they did give us plastic cups for our plastic bottle of water, but c'mon, this is definitely impressive. I wish malls in the US would be so inspired. My guess is that malls here don't even think twice about this, that this is just how things are done and that labor is affordable enough (i.e. someone's gotta wash all these plates later) to sustain this sustainability.

Mall Pizza


  1. what? you mean yesterday there was something at the mall that called your attention??? didnt get it while was eating the pizza. Actually what called my attention was that they cut the rucula!!!! You are not supposed to!! it looked like lettuce, simple lettuce... but it was rucula!! anyway, I guess those cultural things... ah!! loved the picture!!

  2. Well this mall in particular happens to have the "best bookstore in Porto Alegre" according to a friend of mine, so I think that's a good reason to go! Except that we were actually just accompanying some friends who needed to buy a rug, so it was all about the company.

    And interesting, I didn't know that you're not supposed to cut rucula. I don't know that I'd ever cut it before either, but I didn't question it here...I do think it's how they do it here - at least as I've experienced in sandwiches (from Subway) and on pizza...when in Rome, I suppose...or, when in Porto Alegre ;-)
