Monday, January 25, 2010

Vespas Brasileiras

Overwhelmingly, people and animals have been wonderfully kind and welcoming here in the city of POA.

However, I discovered yesterday, during a lovely stroll through the park, that not everyone is so nice.

There I was, innocently enjoying chimarrão with a new friend, A. F.

We stopped for a moment on a bench in the shade, chatting pleasantly.

When all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my side. I jumped up and probably slipped into English to utter a curse or two. I don't remember exactly what I was saying because I was more focused on swatting away the pain.

And then I saw it.

"Vespa!" pronounced my friend. A wasp. Rather mean looking if you ask me. It flew away, unconcerned with any pain and suffering it may have caused. I'm not sure what I was doing to incur its wrath either. I mean, was I sitting on its favorite bench or something?

But, ouch, the pain was burning!

Later, it got red around the spot where the vespa stung me. You can kinda see it, down near my belt.

It wasn't so bad. It wasn't burning anymore. I forgot about it and stopped complaining.

Until this morning. I don't need to point out where I got stung now.

Hmmm...that's a lot more red. 

I went to a pharmacy during my lunch break. This time the problem was a lot easier to describe than allergies: "A wasp stung me yesterday." Yes! A sentence I can say quite clearly while pointing to the huge red patch of skin. 

Unfortunately, it seems related to allergies, since clearly I'm having an allergic reaction. The pharmacist looked at it and said, "You're probably going to have to go to the doctor."

She gave me a cream to placate me, but I'm thinking that I'm going to have to add a doctor's visit onto my list of adventures for tomorrow. A list which includes the World Social Forum, registering with the federal police and buying new sandals (mine broke from so much walking!).

If anyone has any suggestions for natural remedies for allergic reactions to wasp stings, please let me know!


  1. Oh my goodness, that's awful!! Yes, doctor and pharmacist's placating the Alisonian cream, use, use, use!! They are so scary!! Does it still hurt? :-(

  2. Thanks Supna - I'm going to try to "will" this thing to subside by tomorrow so I don't have to figure out how to get to a doctor! In any case, it doesn't hurt luckily!

  3. Another doctor visit for allergies?! Gracious, wasn't one enough? Curse you vespa!! (Hope it feels much better...ouchies)

  4. ... --gotta love the Internet-- so: antihistamine, apple cider vinegar, baking soda (I've heard the latter before especially)

  5. Hey Britt, thanks for the home remedies advice - I ended up going to the doctor after all, but if I get stung again (I do plan on returning to that park afterall), I may try some of those items first...
