Sunday, January 31, 2010

Little Germany: Part II

From Nova Petrópolis, we drove to Parque do Caracol in Canela. In the dictionary, caracol translates as snail, curl (of hair) or spiral staircase. Hmm...I should have asked C.C. and M. what it was meant to refer to in this situation...

Here we saw another interesting cast of characters.

Including a lazy frog.

And a traveling bee. (Luckily it wasn't a wasp or I would've taken off running.)

We walked through the woods.

We passed by signs though I'm not sure we were following them. This one in particular is telling us where we can go for a picnic.

The Portuguese word for picnic is Piquenique, which is pronounced "Picky-nicky." It always makes me happy to hear that. Similarly, Brazilians pronounce "Hip hop" as "hippy-hoppy." That also makes me happy.

We made our way to the top of a waterfall.

Then we walked around to view the waterfall in all its splendor.

After oohing and ahhing, we made room for the children behind us to see too.

Then, hot and tired, we settled down with bottles of water to cool off and relax.

Clearly this man was of the same mind as us.

Eventually, we jolted ourselves out of our pleasant stupor and returned to the car for part III of our adventure...