Last night I had a dream so vivid that it took me a while after waking up to realize that it hadn't actually happened.
I was taking a class with all the young boys that I work with at my internship. Our teacher was the director of the fabulous Street Yoga program. (Last fall, some friends and I had the wonderful experience of participating in a training he put on and got to meet and learn from this great guy).
In my dream he spoke Portuguese fluently and beautifully. The kids were responding well. And it took me about half the class to realize that he was teaching us yoga.
I'm not sure what it had seemed like before, just something else. Something good, no doubt, but just an experience like I'd never had before. It took a long time to realize that what I was doing was already familiar to me.
"This is crow pose," I thought as he brought us into the posture, "This is yoga! And the kids love it! I love it too!"
Afterwards, putting my shoes back on I was filled with excitement about the possibilities of working with these kids.
When I woke up, I felt elated.
Once I got over the fact that it was just a dream, it seemed the message was a strong one. Before Samosa left we were having lots of conversations about my internship. I was anxious and stressed out, primarily because I'd missed so much time being sick. I was worried that I couldn't make all this lost time up, or that I would have to make it up in ways that weren't fulfilling to me, just scrambling to get the hours I needed for my degree. And then what would be the point? I wanted it to mean something. What if it didn't? What would I do? And on and on and on. Samosa did the best he could to comfort me in my spiraling thoughts on the matter. But really since it was all just conjecture on my part, I had to wait until I got healthy again and my pneumonia was gone, before anything at all could be done.
Today was to be my first day back at the internship. Finally!
And it seemed to me -- as I got ready for work this morning -- that this dream was saying that although not everything I'm doing right now seems obvious to me (i.e. doing yoga and not realizing it's yoga), it's all good stuff and it's all beneficial in ways I may not yet be able to appreciate or understand. I just gotta go with it and enjoy the journey. I've got to remember what my professors always said and "Trust the process."
Trust the process. And try and enjoy it too.
It was a good day.
Halloween 2017: The Ghost of Harry Houdini
The magician and escape artist Harry Houdini died in Detroit 91 years ago,
on Halloween. Before his death, Houdini had added "spiritual debunker" to
his re...
7 years ago
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